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The Surprising Benefits of Eating More and Training Less for Women Athletes

A new study from Aarhus University shows that when women reduce their energy intake and increase their training, they risk harming their muscles and hormones.

The Dangers of Low Energy Intake

The study involved 30 fit women who followed a controlled training and diet regimen for three weeks. The researchers found that when the women consumed too little energy from their diet compared to their training volume, their muscles’ ability to respond to training decreased. They also experienced changes in their hormonal system, such as a drop in the metabolic hormone and metabolism.

The researchers explained that when the body does not get enough energy from food, it starts to shut down processes that require a lot of energy, such as building new muscle proteins or maintaining regular periods. This can have short and long-term negative consequences for women’s health and training results.

The Importance of Adequate Energy Intake

The study suggests that women athletes should be careful not to reduce their energy intake too much, especially if they increase their training volume. Instead, they should aim to maintain an adequate energy intake that matches their energy expenditure. This way, they can support their muscles’ growth and recovery, as well as their hormonal balance and metabolism.

The researchers hope that their study will challenge the idea that weight loss leads to medals, which can promote a culture of constant dieting among some women athletes. They also plan to investigate how physical performance, immune system and metabolism are affected by low energy intake, and whether there are differences between how women’s and men’s bodies react.

Eat More, Train Less, Perform Better

If you are a woman athlete who wants to optimize your health and performance, you might want to eat more and train less. By doing so, you can avoid the negative effects of low energy intake on your muscles and hormones, and enjoy the benefits of adequate energy intake on your body and mind.

Remember, weight loss is not always the best goal for athletes. Sometimes, eating more can help you perform better.

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